Tanita Professional Product

Tanita Professional Product Registration

To make sure our products meet all your expectations, please take a few moments to fill out this short questionnaire. Your answers, comments, and registration will be used to continually provide quality products and service to our customers.

Please note that all information is confidential, and Tanita customer lists will not be sold or circulated.

Asterisks ( *) indicate required fields.

Product Information

Date purchased / received--
Model number
Lot number
(6-8 digit number located on the bottom of the product,
in a rectangular box on the white label.)

Serial number
(Last 4 digits of the lot number)

Customer Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name
E-mail *
Phone Number
Address *
City *
Country *
State *
What is your title or position?

About Product

Where did you purchase this Tanita Product?
Where did you hear about us?
Select facility type:
Which ONE of the following was the most important factor that influenced your selection of this Tanita product compared to other available products?
How many patients, per scale, do you weigh on an average day?
How many scales does your facility have?
How often do you move your scale (weekly)?
Do you calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)?
How satisfied are you with each the following Tanita product attributes?

Product design
Overall satisfaction
Weight capacity
Ease of use
How likely are you to recommend Tanita to your family and friends?
Internet survey
Telephone survey
Mail survey
Tanita body fat / body composition monitors
Tanita kitchen scales
Tanita hand-held healthcare products
Other, specify

Any additional comments or remarks?

Yes, I'd like to receive periodic information on fitness and health measurement to help me lead a healthier life, as well special offers on healthy lifestyle products from Tanita.

Note: Communication will be sent to the e-mail address you provided. Your privacy will be fully respected. For your convenience, all future contacts will include a link to remove yourself from the program at any time.


Thank you very much!

Note that the "Tanita Product Limited Warranty" requires proof of purchase for all warranty claims.
