Company Description:
Wholesale Consumer and Professional Line Distributor
Contact Person(S) Name and Title:
- Francisco Jimenez/Marcela Moya
Company Address: Tel: 506 2278-0395 E-Mail: |
Romanas AzocarCompany Description: Contact Person(S) Name and Title:
Company Address: Tel: 506-2222-0000 E-Mail: |
Romanas Ocony S.A
Company Description:
Consumer and Professional Line Distributor
Contact Person(S) Name and Title:
- Nelson Oconitrillo
- Jose Oconitrillo
Company Address: Tel: 506-2253-3535 / 506-2828-8246 |
Attention: Tanita recommends that you only purchase products from companies listed on our web site. Counterfeit scales have been discovered for many Tanita models, the companies listed on these pages are known to distribute authentic Tanita products in their respective countries. Tanita is actively searching for additional distribution of our products throughout Latin America. Companies interested in becoming an authorized distributor of Tanita products should contact us at |